
Dolores Lisa
In Memory of
Dolores F.
Lisa (Lee)
1928 -

My Eulogy

My mom had a very full life, she was loved by many. She was very active, with her family and community. She was a hard worker, she went back to work when I was 12 years old and continued to work full time until she retired. She loved to travel, her and my dad visited many places around the world. She volunteered for many organizations and was a member of the Rosary Society, Catholic Daughters, Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary to name a few.  She was a Girl Scout leader as well as a Cub Scout leader. For as long as I could remember she was an avid bowler and always bowled in a league.

Mom was a loving, caring, happy person. Loved my dad, her children and her grandchildren. You always knew when my mother was in the room, but for that matter you always know when any Lee was in a room. They were certainly a loud and lively bunch and I am sure they are raising havoc in heaven!

If you asked me what word comes to my mind first to describe my mother it would be determination. This was her trait from birth. She was born premature and of course at home, as it was done in those days. As the story goes, my grandmother put her in a shoebox and keep her warm in the oven. To this day we laugh when telling this story, but it shows how determined she was even as a newborn. If she wanted something, nothing got in her way, until she got it, even until her last days on this earth. She broke her hip Memorial weekend and spent the last 3 ½ months in either the hospital or rehab. All she wanted to do was come home and she did, even though it was only for 24 hours. Another testament to her determination.

The saddest day in my mom’s life was the day my brother Anthony died, a piece of her heart was gone forever. Her only connection to him was his daughter Meaghan, her granddaughter. Then the unthinkable happened she also passed away. From then on she was never the same person. She is with them both now, as well as her mom, siblings, nieces and nephews. She is pain free and at peace.

I want to celebrate my mom’s life. She would not want us to be crying and I know this for a fact because growing up if we were crying she would say “stop crying or I will give you something to cry about!” Although we might think she just gave us something to cry about, she would not agree, she surrounded by His glory now and in the best place ever, in God’s house, she is Home.

Thank you mom for all your tireless effort to give us a good life and amazing memories. I love you and you will be missed dearly.

Posted by Laurie LaFalce
Monday September 21, 2015 at 7:25 pm
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